Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another who is not kin and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents Adoption has a long history in the Western world and has been called the quintessential American institution, embodying faith in social engineering and mobility. Yet there are still people who are against it. They spew lies about the evils of adoption. On this page we will take a closer look at these fabricated statements.

While the majority of birth mothers are satisfied in their decision to give their child up for adoption because they know that it was the right thing to do, a few birth mothers don’t feel the same way. They are bitter and make up lies about “coercion.” When you get pregnant you have nine long months to think about your options and figure out a plan. You can not be coerced into giving up your child. Adoption is a legal process so you must be the one to chose to relinquish your parental rights. No one can force you to do it, no one can sign the papers for you, it is your decision to do what you believe is the best for the child.

You may also hear depression is a reason to keep your child. But what you need to remember here is that post-partum depression can happen to any woman who births a child. So if you decide to keep your child you may still be depressed. What is important to remember is that if you feel you may be depressed you should seek help. Most, if not all, adoption agencies care deeply about birth mothers and will provide you with counseling.

Another adoption myth is that it is that adoption agencies are all about making money, that they don’t care for anyone else involved. This of course, isn’t true. Yes, adoption can be pricey but they have many expenses such as checking out the potential adoptive parents. They obviously care deeply about everyone else involved. They offer many services to birth mothers and obviously care about the children-otherwise they wouldn’t be in this line of work.

The final topic I will discuss is that you may hear something like “what if the adoptive parents are mean or abusive?” Well, the agencies go to great lengths to ensure this isn’t true. When you give your baby to their new family you can be sure that they are a loving couple who’s only desire is to give your baby the best life possible.

So basically it all boils down to one question-what is best for the baby? After all, adoption is all about the child. Adoptions isn’t about the birth mother, the adoptive mother, or the agency. I urge you to educate yourself on these statistics, read these testimonials and ask yourself these questions when considering adoption.

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